Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

[L763.Ebook] Free Ebook Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press

Free Ebook Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press

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Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press

Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press

Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press

Free Ebook Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press

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Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press

The Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System presents, in a readable and accessible format, key information about how the autonomic nervous system controls the body, particularly in response to stress. It represents the largest collection of world-wide autonomic nervous system authorities ever assembled in one book. It is especially suitable for students, scientists and physicians seeking key information about all aspects of autonomic physiology and pathology in one convenient source. Providing up-to-date knowledge about basic and clinical autonomic neuroscience in a format designed to make learning easy and fun, this book is a must-have for any neuroscientist’s bookshelf!

* Greatly amplified and updated from previous edition including the latest developments in the field of autonomic cardiovascular regulation and neuroscience
* Provides key information about all aspects of autonomic physiology and pathology
* Discusses stress and how its effects on the body are mediated
* Compiles contributions by over 140 experts on the autonomic nervous system

  • Sales Rank: #2124729 in Books
  • Published on: 2004-05-19
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .91" h x 8.40" w x 10.88" l, 1.10 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 730 pages

About the Author
Edited by David W. Robertson

Excerpt. � Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
An up-to-date review of the basic and clinical autonomic neuroscience knowledge intended for students, researchers and physicians.

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Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press PDF

Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press PDF

Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press PDF
Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Second EditionFrom Academic Press PDF

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